Wednesday, October 31, 2012

So it has happened again, I have begun a blog and let it go by the wayside.
Much like the Friends episode where Monica makes fun of  Rachel's diary that she resolves to write in everyday, I have left the pages blank after the first entry.
I am sorry dear readers (yep, I am keeping that s on the end of readers, with optimistic visions of becoming the next ... I'll get back to that after I find out who the big bloggers are)

You must be dieing to know how Game Development is going!

Well lets just say, we have one dedicated software developer and two enthusiastic bumblers.

One member has written all the code, used complex algorithms for game logistics, and hashed out a huge portion of game philosophy.  I have created Playcadia out of otters and spent an entire day making balloons on inkscape.


My point being, I need to step up my game!  So what have I been doing besides creating adorable otters?  Taking the GRE (158 Quantitative, 165 Verbal, perhaps not good enough for Harvard but according to Bhavin at Magoosh a pretty alright score) attempting to take professional pictures of myself, subbing in a kindergarten class (OOOOOHHHH BBOOOOYYY!!), and applying to business schools. 

Now that I am finished with all of the aformentioned jibber jabber and have vowed to never ever ever ever ever sub in kindergarten again, I will be back daily keeping you posted on what my dad is up to (The only thing better than watching 5 peeps and 1 guitar do the cover of Gotye's "Somebody that I Used to Know, is watching my dad watch the spoof of 5 peeps and 1 guitar doing the cover.  I regret to say I was not able to record it) how the game is coming along, and my latest inkscape masterpiece.

Happy Halloween!  Any good costume ideas this year?  I feel that Super Karen will likely make an appearance.

Prayers and thoughts to everyone who was affected by Sandy!!!!