There are other factors that have pushed me to get back to the keyboard as well. I was watching Jeopardy last week. Two notable things happened. 1. I absolutely crushed it in colors cateogory (really lilac and amethyst for the $1000 clue???) 2. One contestants job was blogger, nothing else. Just an average girl (actually below average in the realm of Jeopardy contestants, ouch going into final jeopardy with $600:() Now keep in mind, I have not read her blog, maybe it is a very witty critique of avant garde films . However, maybe it's not, maybe it's just her perspective on her everyday activities. Anyway, I liked the title of blogger for one's occupation, so again, let's see what happens. On another note, who else likes to guess the Final Jeopardy clue by the category alone? I think it's fun, I appreciate getting the correct answer even more, and I tend to do better than actually listening to the clue.
So what's new in the land of Playcadia?
- The game is developing quite nicely and should be available in the app store very soon!!!!
- Zorro was reported for suspicious activity. It was really only a matter of time. He wears a hooded sweatshirt, fanny pack, and wanders aimlessly around parks testing the game. No citation was given. On an unrelated note, Zorro was also mistaken for a lady. As you can see from his picture, he has a full head of hair. When viewed from the back, it could look like locks that have just been treated to a permanent at the local beauty salon. My mom and he have an agreement that if he is mistaken for lady three times (Excuse me ma'am, madame where did you get your hair done?, how can I help you ladies...) , he must get a haircut.
- C-Dogg is unhappy with his nickname. He would prefer to be called CStax. Thoughts? I like C-Dogg, but if our readers want CStax, we could change it (it would be allowed because there are currently no other CStax in the office)