Monday, June 3, 2013

My bell tolls for thee CDogg

Some good news and bad news

1. Bad news:(


2.  Good news is that:
Cdogg made changes that will ensure we will not see that screen anymore.

He added a guest mode so you don't

I wish he had done that sooner because just yesterday I received a facebook message from my dad who only got a facebook account so he could play.  I responded but did not want to set any precedent of wall posts, messages...

So while I was looking at the changes I saw something that made me want to call in sick Monday because some other serious bizness came up (I did not call in sick because I actually adore my job, what's that???  I found a job I like? Yep, it's true there are fabulous jobs out there, more to come on that in future blogs, but I digress). So I saw liked arenas...that cdogg (or Cstax as he calls himself) has a time of 7 at Cranbrook good.


A strong urge to beat that time welled up in me, and all I can say is my bell tolls for thee CDogg!

Game On!!!

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