I was going to attempt to get Ingress today, but didn't realize it was only available for Droids! This is just days after I turned in my trusty Evo (it took many a fall and hung in there, the worst being while I was walking Maizy (she might one day get her own corner on here, but until she does, just picture the dog in Up, because that is pretty much her) and she saw a squirrel and forgot she had me on the leash) for an Iphone.
Geo Popper for Iphones
Although I am disappointed I can't join the battle for world energy domination, I'm excited that our upcoming Geo Popper will be available to Iphone users. Even though it is very different than Ingress, it has some similar characteristics and is going to be soooo fun!
More than just a game?
Heard talk that the game was more than just a game for game's sake, that they would likely have higher purposes. If this is the case, that could be super exciting. See: Extra Extra: World of Warcraft to End Hunger Games
https://www.blogger.com/blogger.gblogID=2673006893000763586#editor/target=post;postID=6727228881277704571Is Is the Ted talk I mentioned already coming to fruition??? There are some people in this world that are just ridiculously smart and ahead of the pack, looking way beyond the immediate. I wonder what types of information they might be gathering and for what purpose. I so hope that there are some higher level humans that are planning on using whatever they gather to solve problems and make the world a better place.
Better Blogs?
I've been reading ProBlogger and have been way off in many of my blogging aspects, so in the future look for:
- pictures
- headings (note todays article, don't worry I'll improve)
- clearer titles (maybe, I still really like Billy L and the Kleenex (sounds like a children's story) and Mr. Rogers, Coco, and more! (just because Mr. Rogers and Coco are amazing)
- lists
- more blogs: "Those who can't teach blog: my educational philosophy: a catalysyt for the next golden age" and "How not to Blog" and perhaps Karen's how to do the important stuff
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