Thursday, January 10, 2013

Well played boob blogger, well played!

So I have a bit of a habit of checking my blogger stats, eagerly watching the graphs spike when people click on the page .  I've been extremely excited to see a few clicks per day and super excited to have $3.84 in unpaid earnings from adsense (unfortunately, a check is not sent until you surpass $100, I have high hopes, but feel I may have to pull some drastic measures to reach that mark, see next paragraph).

All that excitement changed this morning.  My sister left a message about the boob blogger.  This "blogger" takes a daily picture of her cleavage and posts it.  The pictures are just partial pictures of her cleavage and each day is a different.   She has millions of hits and tons of followers.

How can talk of awesome games that can save the world, Zorro's corner and Everythings going to be alright compete with that? Now while I am not willing to take that extreme of a measure to reacher b.b.'s status, I am considering other tactics:
partial pictures of my hands (allowing my hand modeling dreams to become a quasi reality, spoiler alert these hands have none of the creamy white satiny skin of George Costanza's)
partial pictures of my nose ( with a contest spinoff of guessing the number of freckles for prizes)
contests ( with prizes including but not limited to: Tongan lessons, signed artwork, coupons for hugs, stock in playcadia...)

Now on to Game talk:
There is a running group called Hash House Harriers.  I haven't particpated in any of their events, but am very tempted too! One group of runners starts off running and leaves a trail of flour behind them.   The other group waits a certain amount of time and then chases after them, following the flour like Hansel and Gretal.  Nike has a racing app, I haven't tried yet.  It sounded cool, but not as cool as it could be.  You set a course and then invite friends to compete with you.  I like the idea,  but I think this idea could be built upon.   I think an awesome app would allow people to mark locations while they run on their phone rather than using flour and to be chased by other players.

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