Sunday, January 6, 2013

Metal detecting v. game development, tough choice!

Ahhh back to Tapworthy.  I have the tendency to go to the library, get super excited about the wealth of information, load my arms with books, and then get huge fines(huge only in library standards, like Jerry Seinfeld aptly observed, the library is like a desperate friend eager to ??) without doing more than percursory scans of all the amazing books.   Fortunately I have Tapworthy on my ipad, so I have had the opportunity to go back to it and have gleaned many key ideas that are according to our programmer lacking in our current game.

The author believes that great apps can provide moments of delight and distraction, where the user can lose themselves.  

I am so excited about developing games with a story behind them, that will unfold with untold possibilities.  Where people are connected and have exciting missions that are dependent on other places and environmental factors.  Games that are complex and intertwined.  Right now the ideas for these games are just abstract seeds floating around.   But like Mendeleyev and the periodic table, sometimes you have to just allow ideas to simmer and wait until you're in certain mindset or dreaming and let them come together.  More discussion on lucid dreaming in the future.

Whenever, I go hiking I am so disappointed when I come to the end of the trail.  For me it is usually a letdown and a signal that the adventure is over.  I want to create games with no easy end in site, labryinths with surprises and potential.  

Everything's going to be okay
“If you want to be creative, stay in part a child, with the creativity and invention that characterizes children before they are deformed by adult society.” -Jean Piaget

Zorro's corner
White's Metal Detectors are currently running a commercial about a man who pays for a trip to South Africa as well as buying his wife her own metal detector with the treasures he found.  Ahhh I'm glad poor Zorro did not see this commercial, it may have been a slap in the face after countless time spent metal detecting and never finding enough to afford a White's metal detector for his wife.

In tribute to a heck of a hobby, here are the lyrics to Real Men of Genius Mr. Beach Metal Detector Guy:
Today we salute you Mr. Beach Metal Detector Guy
 Some seek their fortune on the stock market, others in real estate, but you look for loose change in the sand
(I'm hitting the jackpot)
Armed with a 5 foot geiger counter, and the worlds largest set of earphones,
You live your life with a simple code of honor: Finders keepers, losers weepers
(Finders Keepers)
Sure people mock you, but he who holds 92 cents, a gold plated earring, and a stealed toed boot gets the last laugh
(Whos's laughing now)
So crack open a ice cold Bud Light O Sultan of the Sand, we'd give you a medal, but you've probably already found one.
(Mr. Beach Metal Protector Guy)

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