Monday, January 14, 2013

Slanket wearers beware! Snuggy wearers take caution and MMMMOARG

I know this blog is about games, but I feel if I have knowledge that could one day save someone's life, I must share it with the public.  This is a warning to all you slanket wearers.  I received a slanket a few Christmas's ago (like a snuggy, but a bit more hotsy totsy).  Now sleeping in the slanket is wonderful, like being a swaddled baby (check out Andy being swaddled on According to Jim, delightful!: ).  However, one has the potential of having such a lovely sleep and waking up a bit disoriented, perhaps forgetting one is wearing a slanket.  One may wake up and have to use the restroom and so jump out of bed quickly and attempt to take long strides to the bathroom.  Now if that person is wearing a slanket, it almost certainly will not end well.  I'm not saying give up the slanket, by all means, NEVER! However, I do believe perhaps leaving a large note on the ground or somewhere that will catch you're eye before you take any steps may be wise.  REMEMBER YOU ARE WEARING A SLANKET!

I adore Google, their logo (I get so much pleasure out of the colors and the different themes to celebrate different days, lego Google and Dr. Suess google were my favorite!) They keep bees at their main office in CA.  They let employees have one day a week to work on independent projects (with spectacular results), their ingenuity (providing services to get invaluable information on voice recognition, people's patterns, traffic...).  They are just so on.  I feel like Google is like Sheldon in the Big Bang Theory, and us normal putzers are like Penny.  When reading Sheldon's extremely complex journals from when he was an extremely young kid,  Penny observred, "I'm just a blond monkey to you, aren't I?" (Sheldon, "You said it, not me."

So of course when they design a game, I have a feeling it will be awesome.  Ingress  is a MMMMOARG,  a massively multiplayer map-based mobile online augmented reality game.  It sounds really amazing, people pick sides and  try to dominate the world by winning areas and then connecting them.  Like Risk, it is a game of world domination.  I think it has a ton of potential and am excited to try it!  It reminds me a lot of what we are doing with Geo Popper, "draping the world of the game onto the real world."  I also am more convinced than ever of the possibilities of using games to transform jobs and the world in an insanely positive way.

There have been huge revolutions that have drastically shaped the world as we know it, Industrial Agricultural, Information...  I really believe the next big revolution could be the gaming revolution, and I think that it could have the most surprising and lovely outcomes.

Everythings Going to Be Alright does not cover all I want it to, so I am changing it to Karen's Corner to provide a broader umbrella for all the lovely topics I want  to discuss.  I love this clip about attention! Watch it and count how many times the players wearing white pass the basketball.  How'd you do?  Any surpises?

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