Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Game on!!!!!! Geo Popper Happening, C-Dogg Attending Apple Conference, Things are Happening!

Suprise, suprise. Life got in the way and Game On once again went by the wayside.
I blame this entirely on working a full time job, how anyone gets absolutely anything done while working 9-5 is completely beyond me!
However, this daily grind even more so firms up my convictions that work has to be more like play if we are spending our entire lives there!!!
You might be thinking, "Same old story Coco, you are writing the same blog over and over and over again, I have little interest in your convictions, when praytell is there going to be a game????"
Well I just recieved an extremely exciting email from CDogg. C-Dogg is a veteran in the workforce and is able to juggle other things as well as work (although he does send his laundry out, if I find a pattern of such behaviors, I am considering changing his nickname to C-princess, your highness, Sir Chris).
Let's just say I felt like Kramer when he heard the 10 year bagel strike was over and he once again would be gainfully employed. We're back!
CDogg will be attending the June Apple conference.
What does that mean????
Game on of course!
We are using this date as our app roll out date, so my role:
1. Start creating a buzz for the game (this means blogs, tons of blogs, wooohooo)
2. Design a t-shirt that C-Dogg will actually wear
3. Hunker down for the madness that is going to ensue when Geo Popper hits the app store!!!!
What's Zorro's role? 
Good question, I'll update when I find out:)

C-Dogg decided Zorro is NOT to be in charge of t-shirts.  In his words, he will only wear Playcadia t-shirt that is high quality and clever. Snap. 

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