Tuesday, May 14, 2013

You go Eric Thomas, you go!/Don't linger on set of Ryan Gosling's new movie

Ahhh the next Tony Robbins=Eric Thomas.

Very, very motivational speaker, check him out!!! http://www.youtube.com/user/etthehiphoppreacher

Learning to say  "I'll pass" = so very important!!!

I was in a dark haze for a while when I didn't see opportunities and options.

Not a great place to be in

Luckily, I had a shift and began to see all my options and the world as full of endless possibilities.

The problem was I felt overwhelmed with the opportunities available and unable to put my full passion into anything because I was scattered and drifting and alllllllllll over the place.

Eric Thomas hits upon several key ideas for where I am at in my journey:

1. Not every opportunity is for you.

2. Learn how to say, "I'll Pass."

I am finally honing in on what I am passionate about and feel a huge depth to what I can produce and give to the world.  It is important to not get wrapped up in other people's ideas of what you should be doing or where your value lies, when you intuitively know when you are in your zone and doing what you should be doing.

Eric painted two pictures, one of a forest and one of a garden.  The forest was unintentional, seeds scattered everywhere.  The garden was designed with intent. 

Our life, time, and focus are like seeds, we can let them scatter or we can intentionally place them and nurture them.  (side note, forests are lovely and I do kind of have a problem with this metaphor because who is to say that a man made garden is any more valueable than a wild forest).

However, life is short and you might not be scattering your seeds on soil that will allow anything to grow, so I suggest and intend to practice some intent and deliberateness today.

Karen's Corner
On my walk into work, I passed by people filming a movie (guessing it's Ryans Gosling's filming in Detroit although he was not there).  It was difficult not to want to watch, so I passed where they were doing the work and took a moment to check it out and promptly got told Miss and then was given a gesture of walking along.  So basically told to scram.  Still pretty pretty cool and a fun way to start the day!

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