In my novel writing attempts I used to picture my main character being a bit disillusioned with life and then one day this main character enters an alternate universe where her life becomes a fascinating game. Instead of falling down a rabbit hole the game is overlaid onto her world but no one else can see it.
She would be walking down the street and need to hop from one to brightly colored circle like a board game, there would of course be a mission and adversaries.
As seen by this blog and my other blog how I wrote a novel in one month (with two posts and zero novels) novel writing isn't my thang.
But the tiny idea of overlapping a game onto the natural environment resonated with me.
I pictured Mario brothers and how fun it would be to be Mario and leap up for coins and get items that could help you on your mission.
Side note growing up I remember having 3 great debates
1. Was Santa real? He had to be. we would go to visit Ohio on Christmas Eve and when we returned Christmas morning, there would be presents under the tree. Explain that if Santa isn't real.
2. Were the singers of Mary Mo singing Mary mo or Mary moon (clearly Mary mo)
3. could mario jump over the castle flag in Mario bros 1?
i knew the answers for 1 and 2, but if i hadnt seen it with my own eyes i would always have an inkling of doubt on 3. If nothing else I hope readers of this blog view me as a credible source (I kid, I see nothing in these blog posts that would convince anyone of my credibility or saneness), but I tell you with complete certainty that Mario can jump over the flag pole.
Hmmmm where was I? (Please picture me with a pipe, suit coat w courdoroy patches while I tell this story)
Ahh yes, I was telling how geo popper, a mixture between geocaching and road rallies came to be.
I pictured tomb runner and how much more fun it would be to be the tomb runner. With google glasses this is a near possibility.
Think of how much more fun running would be if you were picking up coins along the way. Or if you were running on a track and through your google glasses you would see a game. Different scenery, different obstacles.
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